Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Urgent Message for California Regional Goers!

Once again we're approaching the dates for an ABC show, the 2012 California Regional. Fortunately for those of us in the West we are within driving distance this time, some still a ways away, but doable.

We know however that in the not too distant future loom at least two years of shows in Indianapolis – right at 2200 miles for me. Did anyone happen to catch the price of gas today? Over $5.00 a gallon here in CA. 

We westerners have been patient – more than patient – for some 14 years, and the time is NOW to implement a change. Everyone PLEASE, if you are going to be at the Regional and are an ABC member, make it to the membership meeting. Another motion is going to be made re contracting with the Topeka site to begin with the year following the two now contracted for in Indiana (2015). Not around the corner, but the 1640 plus or minus miles from here to Topeka and essentially the same from the other coast is drivable in a reasonable amount of time.

Let's put this long overdue issue to rest and implement the change the ABC membership voted for in 1998.

Cheryl A. Cates
All Breed Professional Handler

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